The 'Teen Mom 2' Custody Saga Continues: Nathan And Jenelle Are Back In Court

Find out what went down -- and how Kaiser’s grandma Doris is involved

To quote the one and only Barbara Evans on tonight’s episode of Teen Mom 2: “Why can’t everyone just get along?”

This time, her comment was in regard to Nathan and his mother Doris taking Jenelle back to court about Kaiser’s custody arrangement. A few months back, after Doris and Nathan filed for emergency custody of the boy after finding bruises on his buttocks, Doris also apparently filed papers to become the “intervenor” between the co-parents so she could have more of a legal say in her grandson’s life.

So this week, the exes returned to court about the matter and later learned that the judge officially declared Doris to be Kai’s intervenor. And with one legal issue out of the way, Nathan moved on to his next order of business.

“Now that that’s over, my lawyer can fully pursue getting custody of my son,” he told a pal.

But Jenelle told her mom Barb -- hence the above quote -- that her ex had no chance of getting his way on that one.

“He tries to file for full custody?” she asked. “I’m like, ‘You’re not getting full custody, dude.’ I think he just wants to make himself sound good. While they continue to be mad, they’re still getting visitation. I’m not holding Kaiser from them.”

Do you think Nathan has a chance of getting full custody? And will Doris being more involved in Kaiser’s life solve their co-parenting problems, or only cause more? Tell us your thoughts, then keep tuning in to Teen Mom 2 Mondays at 9/8c.

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