Victoria Justice Reveals 'Victorious' Season Three Scoop, Including 'Breakfast Club' Episode

If you're itching for classes to resume at Hollywood Arts High School, you're in luck! The third season of Nickelodeon's "Victorious" kicks off January 28, and star Victoria Justice gave us plenty of scoop when we caught up with her at the Sundance Film Festival, where she was promoting her movie, "The First Time," alongside co-stars Britt Robertson and "Teen Wolf" actor Dylan O'Brien.

"We're filming the third season right now," Victoria dished. "There's lots of awesome new music. We did an episode that paid homage to 'The Breakfast Club,' and we got to cover 'Don't You Forget About Me,' the '80s song. And that was so much fun. I think we're doing a music video for that."

Of course, busy Victoria isn't just toiling on her television series--she's also hard at work on her own music. "I'm so passionate about writing music," she continued. "Writing music is one of my favorite things to do."

As to what the new tracks will sound like, expect a little bit of everything from the 18-year-old. "What's my genre? You know, I don't know. I kind of get inspired by everything. It can be something that goes on in my life personally, or something that a friend is going through. Just the littlest thing can trigger something that I want to write about. I've done over 20 songs that have been produced already that I've written. It's pop, but some of them are more dance-y and some of them are more introspective and emotional. I always respect artists that are storytellers. I love people like Bob Dylan and Carole King.

(Also, how cute is Britt name-checking one of Victoria's songs?)

Are you excited for the return of "Victorious"? Tell us in the comments and on Twitter!

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