Somehow The Opening Crawl For 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Is Three Paragraphs Long

The director tells MTV News the opening crawl will address the growing chaos in the ‘Star Wars’ universe

Ever since director Rian Johnson confirmed that Star Wars: The Last Jedi would indeed uphold the long-standing tradition of an opening crawl, fans have been left to wonder, What the hell is it going to say?

After all, The Last Jedi picks up immediately following the ending of J.J. Abrams's The Force Awakens — specifically with Rey handing Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber to a reclusive Luke Skywalker on the planet Ahch-To — so it's unclear what message the opening crawl will have to deliver. However, Johnson tells MTV News that there's "still some stuff to set up" for the film.

"Even if it picks up right where the last one left off, there's still a lot of unanswered questions about what the state of everything is," he told MTV's Josh Horowitz at Star Wars Celebration. "We were able to fill three paragraphs."

It's likely that the opening crawl will address the current state of the Republic, which lost a significant seat when the Starkiller Base destroyed the Hosnian system in The Force Awakens. In fact, the galaxy is in total "chaos" in The Last Jedi — and the First Order is using that to their advantage. There's no doubt that by the start of Episode VIII, Supreme Leader Snoke already has another nefarious plan set in motion.

As for the film, The Last Jedi may not answer all of the lingering questions from The Force Awakens — according to Daisy Ridley, we know it will answer a few important ones — but Johnson hopes fans find it to be just as "emotionally satisfying."

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