Britney Spears Releases Circus Tour Footage -- Check It Out Here!

Video features Perez Hilton introducing Spears, who then performs 'Circus.'

In case you can't wait for [artist id="501686"]Britney Spears[/artist] to bring her Circus tour to your town when the [article id="1613601"]second leg launches[/article] later this month, official footage from the tour has finally been released.

The video, taken when Britney was in her brunette phase earlier this summer, features the opening sequence, in which gossip blogger Perez Hilton introduces the tour's ringmaster, Spears herself, dressed as a queen. Then, as the screen lifts, Britney descends from the ceiling dressed in her ringmaster jacket, hot pants and knee-high boots, whip in hand, and performs the tour's title track, "Circus."

In true Britney style, she removes the jacket to expose a sequined bra and her toned belly. Then, once the song kicks in, Britney is surrounded by dancers dressed in various kinds of circus and carnival garb. The video ends with Britney entering a cage for her next routine.

Last month Britney revealed the new twists fans can expect when the tour starts up again on August 20. "We have a song called 'Mannequin' that we're adding to the show, which I'm really, really excited about, so it should be interesting," she said. "We have to update [the show] or it gets really boring."

In addition to adding a song to the set, the singer, who scored [article id="1617534"]seven noms at this year's VMAs,[/article] revealed that she's also going to [article id="1615712"]alter a few numbers.[/article]

"We've changed up a couple of numbers in the show," she said. "So that's going to make it a lot more fun for me and the dancers. It'll be cool."

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