'Orange Is The New Black'’s Inmates Start A Revolution In Season 5 Trailer

After last season’s heartbreaking death, Litchfield demands justice

The inmates of Litchfield Penitentiary have been at each other's throats for four seasons now, but it looks like they'll finally put aside their differences in Season 5. Orange Is the New Black's latest trailer, released Tuesday (May 9), begins with the same heart-pounding scene that Season 4 closed with: Daya (Dascha Polanco) pointing a gun at CO Humphrey (Michael Torpey).

"If we want to turn this place right, we have to speak as one united group," Maria (Jessica Pimentel) says to the hallway of angry inmates. "Who's in?" Looks like they're teaming up and turning their grief into action.

Taystee (Danielle Brooks) is especially outraged, as she lost her closest friend at the hands of a CO: "You done a girl wrong, Mr. Caputo, and we want justice."

Season 5, which premieres June 9 on Netflix, takes place over the course of three days, detailing the aftermath of Litchfield's most powerful uprising yet. Judging from the trailer, things only get more intense from there.

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