Moby Would Only DJ Trump’s Inauguration If He Could Play A Lot Of Public Enemy

So he will probably not be DJing the inaugural ball on January 20

No one wants to play the big orange boy's big party.

Ten days before the inauguration, President-Elect Donald Trump is still struggling to find performers for the event, and a few artists contacted by his team have been publicizing their rejections.

The X Factor's Rebecca Ferguson recently said she would bring her talent to the inauguration only if she could sing "Strange Fruit," the anti-lynching protest song made famous by Billie Holiday. Now, Moby has also disclosed that he's been asked to perform at one of Trump's inaugural balls.

"Hahahahaha, wait," noted liberal Moby wrote in an Instagram caption. "Hahahaha, really?"

Like Ferguson, Moby has conditions for accepting the offer — like if Trump finally released his tax returns. Unfortunately, the promise of a Moby DJ set probably isn't tantalizing enough bait to get those fiercely guarded financial documents into the open. Especially since Moby made a Spotify playlist of the songs he would play if he were to DJ the event, and Public Enemy is on there twice.

Looks like Jackie Evancho's still on her own.

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