Regina Spektor’s New Song Is Here For All Your Wallowing Needs

She still knows how to break your heart

In July, Regina Spektor kicked off her comeback with the catchy single “Bleeding Heart,” which proved she’s still a virtuoso at crafting quirky pop earworms. But rest assured, the singer-songwriter’s balladry skills haven’t faded either, something she proved on Thursday (September 8) with the somber song “Black and White.”

As its title suggests, the piano-driven number is quite simple, but it’s gorgeous — like a sad, twinkling lullaby. “Sad, sad eyes know too much / You will always start to cry / Why should I wait for tomorrow?” Spektor wonders, mourning a lost love over a slow, swirling melody. It’ll tug hard on your heartstrings ... but you can’t escape the feeling that there’s a sliver of hope for a new beginning. That’s just the magic of Spektor's songwriting.

Remember Us to Life, Spektor’s seventh album and her first since 2012, arrives on September 30.

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