8 Weird Moments From 'New York Noise' That Were So Mid-Aughts

From 2003 to 2009, 'New York Noise' was the pinnacle of public-access cool.

If, like me, you were a teen who lived in close proximity to New York City, wore lots of black, and avoided school-related activities like the plague, you probably spent most Friday nights alone at home. If, also like me, you grew up music-obsessed in the mid-aughts, you were probably well acquainted with the NYCTV program New York Noise.

If, unlike me, you actually had a life in high school — though there’s no need to rub it in — or grew up elsewhere in the United States, here’s what you need to know about my favorite TV show of the 2000s: New York Noise, which aired from 2003 to 2009, featured videos, performances, and interviews with artists popular in Brooklyn and beyond, detailing the “scene” of the mid-2000s in painstakingly close (and often hilarious) detail. This show truly had it all: weird haircuts, avant-garde video experiments, bad hipster fashion, and so much more.

But while New York Noise was rather tongue-in-cheek -- with awkward interviews from "MC Steinberg" and music reviews from grumpy senior citizens -- it was also undeniably smart and incisive. Whether you were learning about Simon Reynolds's latest book of criticism, or hearing Thurston Moore's take on Devo and Pere Ubu, New York Noise was an educational experience. It was a weekly guide to what was happening in and around the coolest city in the world.

Below, relive eight weird, nostalgic moments from New York Noise that are so mid-aughts it hurts (warning: iPod flashbacks ahead).

Ezra Koenig's shaggy mid-aughts dreamboat hair.

Before his band was a festival headliner, a young Ezra Koenig of Vampire Weekend gave New York Noise a tour of the NYC pad he shared with his girlfriend (MTV Cribs–style!). We can only assume he's since upgraded to fancier digs.

This Real Housewives parody featuring Animal Collective.

According to the "Real Housewives" of New York Noise, Animal Collective's "Water Curses" video is most definitely "mush-mosh," in addition to being "perfect for a club."

When The Cribs declared the Internet to be the biggest challenge facing "the youths" in 2006.

In the mid-2000s, English band The Cribs -- brothers Gary, Ryan, and Ross Jarman -- played the sort of ramshackle pub rock that really got the kids' (a.k.a. my) hips swinging. In 2006, they were afraid of the Internet. Same, JarBros.

This dance-off with The Shins.

The mid-aughts were totally peak Shins. These moves? Not so peak.

This interview with Chairlift in which they discuss their iPod Nano commercial.

Two words: iPod. Nano.

Klaxons dissing Calvin Harris.

Remember "new rave"? British trio Klaxons helped pioneer the genre, which mixed dance music with punk, but ultimately had a very short shelf life. (Also: If you didn't own gold lamé leggings circa 2007, were you even a trendy teen of the aughts?)

In this interview from New York Noise, Klaxons had some not-so-nice things to say about then-unknown DJ Calvin Harris (who, as you're probably aware, now dates Taylor Swift). Yikes. I hope Calvin doesn't tweet about this later.

Fun fact: You might recognize James Righton of Klaxons (yellow hat) as Keira Knightley's now-husband.

Some dude's gold vest as the pinnacle of mid-aughts fashion.

Didn't I tell you gold lamé was the shit?

This lost Lana Del Rey reference.

In this 2008 clip from New York Noise, MC Steinberg accosts interviews musicians and festivalgoers outside a CMJ showcase. If you listen closely, though, you'll notice an interesting tidbit: Several musicians claim to have played in the band of artist Lizzy Grant. Does that name ring a bell? If not, the name Lana Del Rey probably does. New York Noise, man -- always one step ahead of the curve!

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