'Lord Of The Rings' Gets Retold From The Perspective Of Mordor

Yet one Russian novelist felt otherwise. In 1999, paleontologist Kirill Yeskov wrote a novel called "The Last Ringbearer" which revisited the climactic final battle of "The Lord of the Rings" from the perspective of Sauron's underlings. In this version, Gandalf is a war-monger whose sole purpose is to crush the scientific and technological initiative of Mordor while Sauron is forward-thinking by passing a "universal literacy law." It's certainly a different take on the story, to say the least.

Salon recently reviewed the novel in its new English translation, and though they debated whether it qualifies as fan fiction or something greater, the online mag felt the book was a soaring accomplishment all the same. And that got us thinking -- are there other stories begging a retelling from the villains' perspective? The answer is a resounding yes, and we've got our wish list after the jump!

"Harry Potter"

It would be interesting to see the rise of Voldemort from one of his follower's perspectives. He was obviously compelling enough to convince so many Death Eaters of his cause, and the fact that they were persuaded to persecute and destroy all Muggles and mudbloods is something that has never been fully explored in the mythos.

"Star Wars"

There are plenty of "Star Wars" stories that explore the war between the Empire and Rebellion from the Empire's perspective, but a definitive story detailing why the Imperial forces felt the need to squash those rebel scum would be an interesting take on the classic story -- especially if captured on film, and especially if scripted by Kevin Smith. Time to put an end to that "Clerks" debate!

"The Matrix"

A retelling of "The Matrix" from the machines' point of view would likely share similarities to the way "The Plan" retold "Battlestar Galactica" from the cylons' perspective. That's not a bad thing! Plus, it would be cool to see the machines' rationale behind harvesting human energy -- cool, or horribly creepy.

"The Twilight Saga"

This one might already be on the way from author Stephenie Meyer, but fans have been clamoring to learn more about the "Twilight" royal baddies the Volturi since they were first introduced into the saga. Plus, we can't turn down any extra Michael Sheen.


Maybe this just comes from a deep desire to discover that the Alien Queen really is just like her spoof in "Spaceballs," but it would be pretty trippy to find out that in one of the best space horror films of all time, the humans were the ones who were the bad guys.

What films would you like to see from the bad guys point of view? Tell us what you think in the comments section and on Twitter!

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