You Need Parental Permission To Buy Eggs (Yes, Eggs) At This Grocery Store

Rotten idea or freshly hatched brilliance?

Halloween is a night to find a party or a haunted house to strut your costume at. There is no denying though, that in many communities, there is at least one bad egg (pun intended), who spends the evening pulling annoying and even destructive pranks. Apparently, one grocery store in Pennsylvania is attempting to thwart such would-be shenanigans by halting the sale of eggs to teens until after Halloween week has passed.

Bucks County resident Frank Tkachenko reported on Reddit that he stumbled across this sign hanging at Redner's Market in Langhorne, Pennsylvania:



Although the sign vaguely states that the restrictions on egg sales to minors is for "safety reasons," it seems reasonable to infer that the store owners are attempting to curtail Halloween egging in their community. According to The Huffington Post, representatives at the Redner's corporate offices have not commented on the alleged egg ban.

Although Tkacheno only posted one sign from the Langhorne location, he told Reddit users that he had heard of similar signs at other Redner's stores. An article from the Pennsylvania based publication Lancaster Online from last year also reports that the store chain implemented a similar policy last October.

This is certainly one way to deal with the issue of teen vandalism, but we have to ask -- the folks at Redner's realize you can buy eggs, like, everywhere, right?

H/T Cosmopolitan

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