'Frozen' Is About To Be Toppled As The Highest Grossing Animated Movie Ever

"Toy Story 3," you've officially been bumped to third place.

Since it first premiered in 2013, "Frozen" is nigh inescapable as a franchise. Go into any toy store and you'll see Elsa and Anna dolls stacked to the ceiling. Ask any five year old girl and she will have opinions about it (and ask her parents about the song "Let It Go" -- they'll probably have opinions, too, albeit very different ones).

But there's another franchise you can't escape from right now, and it's slowly creeping its way towards Elsa's box office record: "Minions."

The "Despicable Me" spin-off opened in China to $20 million dollars USD on September 13, giving it a gross international total of $1.08 billion according to Ace Showbiz. This officially makes "Minions" the second highest grossing animated movie of all time, just eking out over the previous second place movie, "Toy Story 3" at $1.06 million. It's also the 15th highest grossing movie overall.

"Frozen," currently holds the lead for highest grossing animated movie with $1.26 billion, and is the 8th highest grossing movie overall (just behind "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II"). Meanwhile, "Minions" still has one more international release date to go -- it will open in theaters in Greece on September 24, and will need to make another $20 million to overtake the Disney movie. No small feat, but given the money-making trajectory of these little yellow guys, anything seems possible, right?

The minions themselves could not be reached for comment, but from the looks of it, they seem pretty prepared to take Elsa down.



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