How Do The 'Teen Mom 2' Girls Deal With Trust Issues In Their Relationships?

It isn't always easy, as evidenced by Kailyn's fight with her husband Javi.

Even though Kailyn, Leah, Jenelle and Chelsea's stories are unique and unfold on their own trajectory, the "Teen Mom 2" cast members do encounter similar obstacles because of their comparable life situations. And during the premiere episode of the hit series, Kail encountered a scenario with her husband Javi that all of the girls have faced: trust issues with their significant others. Specifically, the young mother had a difficult disagreement with her partner because of his very negative reaction to a seemingly innocent text message she received from a male friend. And when the mother of two recently sat down with her cohorts to discuss the feud with her husband -- and the blow-up that later ensued about K going to a concert with her pals -- the girls candidly spoke about this very topic.

"In retrospect, I can understand where Javi was coming from," the Delaware resident reflects to C and J in the clip below. "I'm glad that we're not in that place anymore. We're so beyond that -- he can go out with his friends, and I can go out with mine. And we can have time together."

And even though the couple was able to get over this rough patch, the mother of two still has a difficult time coping with his reaction.

"It hurts my feelings that Javi would feel jealous that I'm spending more time with my friends than him," the college student adds.

But C raises a key point: Believing in someone, and then feeling some sort of betrayal, can carry over from one relationship to the following one.

"With Cole, I make sure to explain and be like, 'You know, this is why I'm like this -- it's not because I don't trust you,'" Aubree's mama tells her cohorts. "It's just, other things that have happened."

And J echoes that statement, agreeing that past feelings and struggles can trickle from one romantic connection to the next. But how do you deal with trust issues in your relationships? Share your experiences in the comments, see how the girls handle these sentiments in the conversation below and be sure to keep watching "TM2" every Thursday at 10/9c.

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