'The Hobbit' And 'Into The Woods' Topped The Holiday Box Office

Lots of people kicked off 2015 by watching a bunch of movies.

After a disappointing year for the cinematic box office, people finally stepped it up and went to the movies this weekend, thanks to a bunch of hobbits and a movie musical extravaganza.

Revenue from this weekend is up 8 percent — a vast difference from the rest of the year which saw a decrease in moviegoers of 5 percent overall. Thankfully, with a bunch of Christmas weekend holdovers itching to be viewed, the end of the year was saved as far as the box office is concerned. "The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies" took home the top spot, but "Into The Woods" and "Unbroken" followed close behind.

Peter Jackson's Tolkien epic-ender was number one for the third consecutive weekend, pulling an additional $21.9 million this weekend. This brings their domestic total gross up to a not-so-shabby (by any stretch!) $220.8 million.

Up next? "Into the Woods," which earned a cool $19.1 million domestically, adding to the $91.2 million pot Disney's earned in the states for the musical epic.

And not to be undone, Angelina Jolie's true story biopic about World War II hero Louis Zamperini, "Unbroken," took in $18.4 million, bringing its domestic gains up to $87.8 million.

Pulling into fourth place was the only new addition to the box office this weekend: "Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death," which grossed $15.1 million this weekend. Meanwhile, Sony's "The Interview" decreased its intake this weekend ($1.1 million) despite increasing the number of theaters its playing in — 331 to 581.

What movies did you see over the holidays? Let us know in the comments.

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