You've Never Seen Lady Gaga Look Like This Before

Mother Monster, is that you?

We've seen Lady Gaga wear a dress made out of meat. We've seen Lady Gaga wear a seashell thong while mooning One Direction. We've even seen Lady Gaga inflate into a giant, silver Christmas tree topper. What haven't we seen the ruler of the ArtRave do?

Blend in.

Well, that's exactly what Mother Monster decided to do when she stepped out in New York City last night in a caramel-colored wig that made her nearly unrecognizable thanks to how shockingly *normal* it was.

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Lady Gaga

Gaga, is that even you?!

First of all, those mini-bangs are giving me some major Beyoncé flashbacks. WERK them, Gaga. Second of all, is it wrong that I kind of need that matching maroon-striped coat-and-midi-skirt combo she's wearing for my fall wardrobe ASAP? For once, I can actually see myself in (or more importantly, pulling off) something Lady Gaga wore, and it's like a magical beacon of hope has descended upon my closet. Is this what heaven feels like?

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Lady Gaga


While Gaga's idea of dressing as an average member of society didn't go full-on soccer mom or venture into normcore territory, her "Gaga goes incognito" look is really doing it for me. Could this be the start of a new, toned-down phase of her career?

It is still Lady Gaga after all.

Either way, though, leave it to Gaga to keep us on our sartorial toes.

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