Taylor Swift Invented A New Word For Creeping On Her Fans Online

Have you been 'Taylurked'?

In just 24 hours, Taylor Swift has pretty much taken over the planet (the universe? the galaxy?) with her 1989 album. (Perhaps you've heard about it?)

Related: Here Are The Secret Messages Taylor Swift Hid On 1989.

And with her playing shows on New York City rooftops, appearing on "The Voice" and pretty much everywhere else, you'd think she'd have no time left to, you know, invent new words to describe snooping on her fans.

Related: Swifties, Taylor Totally Knows You’re BFFs IRL.

But, behold: #taylurking, TSwift's latest obsession and the perfect example of why Swifties are losing their minds over the singer's big pop moment. Here are some of our favorite lurks:

Related: Watch Taylor Define The Internet

Related: Guess Who Loves Taylor Swift’s 1989? (Hint: EVERYBODY!)

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