Justin Bieber Says He 'Might Need Surgery' -- What Happened?

The singer says he 'busted' his ear drums cliff diving.

Lest you think that cliff-diving in paradise is all fun and games, Justin Bieber learned the hard way that jumping face-first off of super-tall rocks into the watery depths below can actually be kind of dangerous. Just one more reason why you should never go outside under any circumstances ever.

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On Wednesday (September 24), the "Confident" singer tweeted that he "busted [his] ear drum cliff diving," adding that his "Doc says [he] might need surgery now." And how does JB feel about his predicament? It "sucks," he admits.

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Should Beliebers worry about the future of Justin's musical career? Nope, says the 20-year-old Canadian native. "My ear drum might back us up a little but I'm still bringing you this new music," he reassured his Twitter followers.

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Damn you, cliff-diving, indeed.

Although not confirmed, the injury might stem from Bieber's cliff-diving ventures over last July, which he captured in a now-deleted Instagram video. TMZ, being TMZ, obviously made a copy of the clip.

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