Jessica Simpson's Paparazzi-Dodging Maneuvers Sure Are Sexy

It's called multitasking, people.

After allegedly breaking Instagram with nothing more than a couple of bathing suit photos, it's probably not a bad idea for Jessica Simpson to keep a low profile every now and then.

Perhaps that's why the singer/actress/media empress/world-traveling investigative journalist (see "Jessica Simpson's The Price Of Beauty") shied away from the paparazzi while inside of a vehicle, a moment she captured and Instagrammed on Saturday (June 21). With great power comes great responsibility, and thankfully Jessica knows to wield her beauty wisely.

And yes, I know that's a line from "Spider-Man," but whatever -- it's a good quote!


jessica simpson

Speaking of wielding her beauty wisely, the 33-year-old mother of two turned her paparazzi-dodging into a totally campaign-worthy model moment just for fiance Eric Johnson. "Hiding from the paparazzi, so why not pose for Eric?" reads the caption. Why not, indeed.

She's still "Irresistible" after all these years.

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