Big Brother 11: Big Brother Is A Game!

The hamsters had Blowup #5,376 not too long ago in the house and I'm not too thrilled about it. Now a lot of you have been reading Silly Hamsters for awhile and you know I love me some fights in the Big Brother house. But this afternoon's argument has left me feeling uneasy and little disgusted.

You want to know what's eating me up the most right now? Every season we have a few hamsters who are all about telling the truth when it comes to the game. I should rephrase that. They're all about others telling the truth but not themselves. This season's worst offender is by far Natalie.

Russell gets paranoid and wants the truth from people but doesn't really run around spreading lies about people. Jessie makes up lies about people but puts them out there when the time calls for it and is fairly calm about it. Ronnie lies about everybody and plays the house gossip monger but knows the game well enough to realize that whatever feedback he receives is probably a fuzzy version of the truth.

Kevin and Lydia have become furniture in the house. Jeff and Jordan are a cute little couple just trying to figure things out as they go but they're definitely not schemers. Chima can be a lose cannon when it comes to the game but she has a really good memory and does possess the ability to drill down to the truth in a fairly reasonable manner. Michele's book smart but when it comes to the game she has the intelligence God gave a goldfish - not to mention the worst social skills in many seasons of the game.

Natalie lies just to lie. She lies because the sky is blue. She lies to cover Jessie's ass. She lies just to make somebody jealous. She also lies to make herself look better and to deflect attention away from herself. Despite Natalie's of 24 years, she acts as though she is 12 with the hygiene habits of an 8-year-old boy. Natalie doesn't know when to shut up when she's ahead and always butts in when others are talking. Yet Natalie is always the first one to demand the truth from whoever it is she feels she (or Jessie) deserves it from.

Give me a damned break!

While I don't appreciate how some of the people in the house are playing the game this season, I can understand it. I also realize that it is too late to change their in-house personalities and alliances without causing a stir. But I just don't get Natalie's behavior. I can't stand how she stirs the pot just for the sake of doing so. I can't wait until somebody goes off on her and puts her in her proper place. Figuratively you know what I mean but literally I hope it's the shower.

This stupid green room lie about Michele that Natalie and Jessie came up with was so stupid and meaningless to begin with but it's made a huge impression in the house. There's been almost nonstop drama going on because of it since Monday evening when the lie was first concocted. Unfortunately, Russell still believes Jessie and Natalie. Also unfortunately, Michele is completely inept at defending herself so it seems like it is the truth. I don't like Jessie and I despise Natalie but I have to give them credit for this. All I can do at this point is hope that it comes back to bite them on the ass later and Ronnie still goes home this week.

After the house meeting in the kitchen earlier which got me riled up enough to write this post, there's now a big production going on in the red bedroom. Thankfully it's Kevin and Lydia being thrown under the bus and not Michele. That poor girl was driven over enough earlier today.

At this point, I would just like for them all to just shut the hell up. Stop demanding others to tell you the truth. Stop trying to placate others and explain yourself. Everybody lies in this game. It's OK to lie in this game. Everybody bends the truth in this game. It's OK to bend the truth in this game. Everybody is trying to win the game. It's OK to try to win the game.

Update at 7:55 PM - I guess I can remove Lydia from the furniture list. She's actually quite mentally unstable it appears. What with the cutting thing, smearing food in Jessie's face a few minutes ago, and all of the wallowing in self pity the girl needs some help. I'm only worried that she'll wind up requesting to leave or asking the others to vote her out causing Ronnie to stay this week. Hold it together Lydia. Just one more day!

It's a freaking game!

For more on Big Brother 11 - SirLinksalot: Big Brother 11

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