The Launch Of MTV Greece: 36 Hours In 332 Words, By Tim Kash

Thirty-six hours later, and the launch of MTV Greece is a wrap.

It's kind of surreal running the last few days back ... I landed in Greece with the perfect team: Ocean and Nick. Drove through the heart of Athens at dawn. Checked into a big suite in a hot five-star hotel (Madonna's favorite, apparently ... she's got good taste). Ate my first real, full English breakfast in a while (baked beans, hash browns, bacon, sausages) whilst overlooking the magnificent Acropolis on a sunny day. Savored the moment. Met up with my European VJ friends again after a long time. Made new friends (congratulations to MTV Greece's newest VJs, Nafsika and Alex, on your first show! So good!). Worked with old friends (the real A-Team from all over Europe -- you know who you are). Partied well into the night at a well-hidden rooftop bar with Speak & Spells hanging on the wall. Drank Ouzo for first time. Had the best gyro (pronounced "yiro," as I found out). Climbed to the top of a completely empty Panathinaiko Stadium at midnight the night before the big day -- breathtaking, literally. Found a hot little dive bar round the corner that played everything from Oasis to the Rolling Stones. Walked onstage in front of 50,000 people the next day at the historic stadium. Got 50,000 people to scream at the top of their lungs. Kept them entertained for a four-hour live TV show that aired in France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Greece simultaneously, alongside Europe's best (and, in some cases, hottest) VJs. Had the absolute pleasure of interviewing one of the best bands ever, R.E.M. Introduced the legends on stage for their big performance. Saw them play a full 90-minute set with all their hits. Shared a celebratory gyro with friends. Hit the afterparty at Venue in style, followed by the after-afterparty. Misbehaved a lot. Saw the sun rise. Made it out in one piece. Next stop ... New York.

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