Jennifer Lawrence Recalls The Time She Puked At An Adele Concert

Don't worry; Emma Stone was there to rub her back

Ever the refreshingly accessible Normal Girl in Hollywood, Jennifer Lawrence has revealed that she’s a “nana” trapped in a 25-year-old’s body. (A 25-year-old who’s also a millionaire and a Dior spokeswoman, but it’s still relatable on some level, right?).

In a new interview with Harper’s Bazaar, J-Law insists her social life involves either going hard or just going home -- mostly because her attempts at partying tend to end in literal vomit.

"I don't really stay out late. I'm kind of a bummer. I'm a nana,” she said. “It’s hard to get me out, and when I do go out I don't really stay out late. If I do stay out late and I'm partying hard, I will throw up. I don't have the tolerance to black out; I just start puking.”

Just ask Emma Stone, who witnessed one of Jen’s alcohol-fueled misadventures IRL earlier this year at an Adele concert.

“It was the night we saw Adele in L.A. [Emma] just started rubbing my back. She was really sweet,” Jen said. “I was like, 'Get out of here. It's so gross.’”

Because no J-Law story is complete without at least another component of craziness, though, she revealed Woody Harrelson was there, too -- and they apparently both had rough nights.

"Woody cut his foot. He stayed over in one of my guest bedrooms, but that's where I started puking,” Jennifer continued. “I broke a candle because I can't just puke like a normal person—I flay my arms everywhere. And I didn't clean it up because I'm an asshole. The next day he cut his foot open... That night got crazy.”

Elsewhere in her Harper’s Bazaar interview, the Joy actress got serious about body image and people's unrealistic standards of beauty, saying she’d like everyone to “make a new normal-body type.”

"Everybody says, 'We love that there is somebody with a normal body!' And I'm like, 'I don't feel like I have a normal body,’” she said. “I do Pilates every day. I eat, but I work out a lot more than a normal person. I think we've gotten so used to underweight that when you are a normal weight it's like, 'Oh, my God, she's curvy.' Which is crazy. The bare minimum, just for me, would be to up the ante. At least so I don't feel like the fattest one.”

Have we mentioned the girl is extremely #relatable???

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