Jake Gyllenhaal And Pee-wee Herman Explain The Plot Of 'Source Code'

Duncan Jones likes to keep things complicated. Just check out "Moon," the man's directorial debut that thrust Sam Rockwell and viewers alike into a claustrophobic science fiction scenario filled with wild ideas and paranoia aplenty.

Much is the same with "Source Code," Jones' latest film starring Jake Gyllenhaal as Captain Colter Stevens, a military man tasked with reliving the last eight minutes in the life of a man who died earlier in the day during a terrorist train bombing. It's up to Stevens to use that continuous time loop to uncover the terrorist's identity and prevent an even deadlier attack from going down.

Like we said, complicated stuff. But if you're still not sure how to crack into "Source Code," don't worry — Pee-wee Herman is here to help.

Yes, you read that right. The bowtie-clad funnyman, recently resurrected in the form of a Broadway show and a developing feature film return, knows a surprising amount about "Source Code," based on comments he made at South by Southwest this week.

"The Source Code is a computer program that allows you to enter the body of another person for the last eight minutes of their life," Herman explained of the film's premise, a description that received Gyllenhaal's own endorsement.

It's just too bad that Gyllenhaal himself doesn't know quite as much about Pee-wee's recent endeavors: "'The Pee-wee Herman Show on Broadway' is a story about a man who enters the body of another human being for the last eight minutes of their life."

Hmm. Maybe somebody's been spending a little bit too much time inside of the Source Code?

Tell us what you think of Jake and Pee-wee's explanation of "Source Code" in the comments section and on Twitter!

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