'Mari0' Combines The Mushroom Kingdom With 'Portal'

"Super Mario Bros." clone games, like browser-based Flash titles that try to lure you into clicking on some crappy ad, are a dime-a-dozen. As one of the most iconic – or arguably the most iconic – characters in gaming history, Mario often finds himself at the center of parodies and knockoffs. That said, new indie effort "Mari0" is one of the absolute coolest to pop up.

According to the developer, (via Joystiq), "Mari0" is more than just some conceptualization video; this is going to be a full-fledged game of "Super Mario Bros." with a "Portal" gun.

The game will feature all of the original "Super Mario Bros." levels, plus the Lost Levels. Looking at what's shown in the video, well, it's seemingly a perfect recreation of "Super Mario Bros." Except in this version, Mario has a Portal gun, and instead of just jumping on Goombas, he can transport them through a glowy hole to their death.

While this is certainly one of the more amazing things I've seen lately, this probably won't end well. Nintendo are usually none-too-happy about their little Italian plumber – or any other character, for that matter – showing up in a fan-made game. It's fairly likely that can expect a cease-and-desist any time now. Of course, they seem familiar with the process, given the names of their past games like "Not Pac-Man" and "Not Tetris."

Still, may we implore you, thou lawyer-gods of Nintendo? The developers are releasing this as a free game – that means no profit – and they're even including a level editor so others can keep the creation going. Could you just look away, just this once?

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