Batgirl Fights A Lady Scorpion In The Insane 'Batman Eternal #11'

Writer Tim Seeley post-games the latest issue of DC's Comic.

Every week, MTV News is talking down the big issues in DC Comics' "Batman Eternal," the weekly series that spans the globe and promises to change Gotham City forever. This week, we talked to writer Tim Seeley over e-mail about all the major women in Bruce Wayne's life:

MTV News: I want to get to the story in a second, but can we talk about Ian Bertram and Dave Stewart’s gorgeous art first? How much did having them on board influence the story, or was it just a happy circumstance?

DC Comics


Tim Seeley: Well, the scripts are written in advance of the artist coming on, but when I found out I was working with Ian, I was pretty psyched. He and I talked on the phone a few times to get the feel of the story, and then I modified some of the dialogue to match his really fun, sorta whimsical style. This is one of the first times I've gotten art back and thought, "That isn't what this looked like in my head at all. It's better!"

MTV: The framing story with Catwoman seems relatively unconnected from the main narrative, but is there something more there? And is this a turning point for Selina?

DC Comics

Batman Eternal #11 - Page 1

Seeley: Yeah, this is a major arc for her in ETERNAL. The 'legacy" theme of this series gets explored through a variety of characters... Julia, Batman, Stephanie, and now, Selina.

MTV: Stephanie Brown finds out quite a bit about her father this week, and then – I’m assuming – publishes the info online. Is that the smart move for her, given Cluemaster thinks she’s dead?

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Batman Eternal #11 - Page 18

Seeley: Well, as we'll see, Stephanie's voice doesn't get heard in the midst of all the other chaos, and that's going to be a a theme for her. Has she cried "Wolf!" too many times? That's something we kind of added to her character as we "rebooted" her. She's a 'blogger" in a world where everyone is a blogger, and the truth isn't always as important as sensationalism.

MTV: Batgirl finds out a crucial piece of info in Brazil... Why would the Club of Villains want to copy of a South American telenovela star’s face?

DC Comics

Batman Eternal #11 - Page 15

Seeley: Well, as we'll see there's a pretty vast international conspiracy getting set up here!

MTV: With Julia in Wayne Manor, how long until she figures out what’s up with Bruce Wayne and Alfred. Meaning, Batman? She’s clearly not a dumbie.

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Batman Eternal #11 - Page 6

Seeley: Yeah, that's going to be fun.

MTV: And finally, Batgirl and Red Hood: is there smooching in their future? We need to know!

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Batman Eternal #11 - Page 25

Seeley: When we first talked about this series, and they pitched me on writing the Batgirl/Red Hood story, I immediately went through and tried to really figure out what their relationship would be. And smooching might not be the first thing Barb wants to do to Jason Todd's face.

DC Comics

Batman Eternal #11 - Cover

"Batman Eternal #11" is on sale now.

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