MTV Staffer Gets The Best Patrick Swayze Tattoo Ever

MTV designer Sean Gresens, pictured below (the one in the middle and the only one without a black bar ominously concealing his identity) works here on the 17th floor of MTV, which is Buzzworthy headquarters and home to MTV TJ Gabi. As if those two claims to fame (and the fact that we have free soda and a Foosball table in our kitchen) weren't good enough reasons to make the 17th floor the most awesome place to work since Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, it's also now home to what I'm pretty sure is the only Patrick Swayze tattoo in all of MTV. Especially the only tattoo of Patrick Swayze in To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar. (Me, I would've gone for Patrick Swayze in "Dirty Dancing," "Roadhouse," or Patrick Swayze as a Chippendales dancer in that legendary 1990 "Saturday Night Live" sketch with Chris Farley. But it appears that may already exist.) Sean's got more than a few tattoos, but this indelible tribute to the late, great Patrick Swayze is his latest acquisition, and it's certainly our favorite of his ink. Surely there are other Patrick Swayze tattoos out there in the world. But surely this is the greatest.

Below are a few words from Sean himself about his Patrick Swayze tattoo.

Good afternoon, Buzzworthingtons... My name is Sean Gresens, and I am a senior designer here at MTV. Today, Tamar approached me to write up a little nonsense about my new ridiculously nonsensical tattoo, and here you are reading my valiant attempt. Thank you for joining us.

So anywho, recently on this weekly podcast I do with my friends, the Metal Injection Livecast, I tasked myself and some of my peers with coming up with the the most asininely silly tattoo we could think of, with the intent that I would then adorn my calf muscle with said obnoxiousness. However, as we quickly found ourselves too easily slipping into the NSFW realm, my faith in our creativity seriously started to falter. That is, until my buddy Sid dropped the majestic brainbomb you see pictured: a portrait of Patrick Swayze in drag from the movie To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar with some sort of faux inspirational verbiage accompanying it. Absolutely brilliant in its simplicity.

I then brought his idea into Adobe Illustrator and fleshed it out (pun intended), took the design into the shop next day and got down to business. But now looking at what we’ve done, I feel we may not have hit our mark with the truly ridiculous... It’s beginning to take on a whole new life as an homage to a master of stage and screen, taken away from us far too soon, a beacon of hope pointing to the ever optimistic future, reminding us to always follow our dreams, to go for the gold, to stay in school, to drink six to eight glasses of water every day, to never leave the seat up, always look both ways before crossing a street, never forget to floss, and most important, to always Dirty Dance like no one is watching.

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