'Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones' Trailer: All That's New And Noteworthy

And while director Harald Zwart may have set some sort of cinematic record for initial trailer turnaround (the first sneak peek debuted mere days after production wrapped in November), it's clear with all of the effects wizardry on display here, that plenty of concentration and care were put into this latest look.

Let's take a closer look after the jump at all that's new and noteworthy in this second trailer.

This sneak peek opens much the same way as the first: With an expository voice-over from Hodge (played by Jared Harris), and Clary witnessing Jace (Jamie Campbell Bower) killing a man inside the Pandemonium night club. But then we finally get our first real look at Clary's mom Jocelyn (played by "Game of Thrones" actress Lena Headey). Where in the first trailer, she was merely a suspended pawn in Valentine's game, here Jocelyn's playing house with friend Luke (Aidan Turner) and fretting over Clary's safety. That is, until she's kidnapped, and Clary returns home to find not her mom, but a demon!

And what a slithering scoundrel it is! If this is any indication of the creepy crawlies to come, well, consider our dreams haunted already.

With nowhere to call home, Clary retreats with Jace to the Institute, where the Shadowhunters live and train. And it is a grand structure, to be sure--an intricately designed church visible to supes only.

And it's in the edifice's greenhouse where Clary and Jace share, well, we don't want to spoil anything if you haven't read the novel, but suffice it to say it's good (and we're fairly disappointed we didn't get at least a peek in this trailer--you're such a tease, Harald!).

One thing that this trailer has on the previous is a sense of humor. Where the other was deadly serious, this one has moments of levity and light, especially as it relates to the interplay of the two worlds. I simply adored this scene in which one of Clary's neighbors(?) was manhandled by an invisible Isabelle (played by Jemima West).

And while we touched briefly on the CGIed demons above, we'd be remiss not mentioning the furry-ocious werewolves, which look a lot better than other life-sized lycanthropes we've seen in some YA adaptations. (I trust you know what film franchise we're talking about without having to name drop...)

Of course, with all of the additional meat shoved into this trailer sausage, there were still things we would have liked to see more of. Exhibit A:

Brooklyn High Warlock Magnus Bane!

Click over to Apple to watch the entire trailer.

"The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones" hits theaters August 23.

What did you think of the latest "Mortal Instruments: City of Bones" trailer? Did we miss anything new or noteworthy that you wanted to discuss? Any moments you wish had been included but weren't? Tell us in the comments and on Twitter!

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