Azealia Banks Fires Back At Iggy Azalea's Comments And Drops A New Song

Her 'Slay Z' project is on the way.

Azealia Banks and Iggy Azalea remain, as they have been for some time now, not too fond of one another.

Their tiff was reignited on Tuesday, when Iggy scratched off whatever scab may have grown over it in recent months. In the cover story for Elle Canada, she looked back on her 2015 -- which was a year, she said, that she'd like to forget:

"I think the Azealia Banks thing is what really started it all. We don’t like each other on a personal level, and that has gone on for many years -- before the Black Lives Matter incident happened. So when I dismissed her, people started to think that I dismissed the whole movement, but I wasn’t trying to dismiss Black Lives Matter -- I was trying to dismiss her because it’s our personal shit. I don’t think the subject matter of her tweet was invalid; I just think it was emotionally charged and driven by something else, and the whole thing got so misconstrued. I just wish I had acknowledged the issue head-on because it made people think I don’t care about what’s going on socially and what’s happening in America, and I do care. Even though I still hate Azealia Banks, I wish I had said it in a way that didn’t make people think I was oblivious to the movement. And I wish I hadn’t gotten into a fight with Papa John’s!"

Azealia wasted little time delivering her response, which she did on Twitter last night.

The feud between these two dates back quite a few years, but had some particularly notable moments in late 2014.

That December, Azealia came at Iggy for being "silent" on "black issues," and the Australia native was quick to hit back, tweeting, "Theres more to sparking a change than trolling on social media." AB doubled down on her comments in an interview later that month.

Twitter isn't just for voicing how much you don't like someone, though. It's also for releasing new music. And that's exactly what Azealia did later in the night, dropping her song "Used To Being Alone." She says he plans to drop her Slay Z project ASAP.

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