Justin Bieber Absolutely SLAYED His Performance Of 'Boyfriend' On 'The Voice' (VIDEO)

Justin Bieber is surrounded by hot chicks during his performance of 'Boyfriend' on last night's 'The Voice.'

YOWZA! Is that an OK thing to say? Because if so, it's the best way to describe the amazingness that was Justin Bieber's performance of "Boyfriend" live on last night's finale of "The Voice." One might expect that the kid's first live performance of his new song might have a few kinks, but NOPE. Bieber prevails and effing nails it!

Watch Justin Bieber perform "Boyfriend" on "The Voice" after the jump.  

In what was his most mature performance to date, Justin was decked in a Michael Jackson-inspired studded leather jacket, and he was quite literally COVERED IN WOMEN! As he emerges from a light tunnel to open the song, Justin is bombarded by scantily clad chicks caressing him in ways that should maybe only be reserved for Selena Gomez when he turns 25.

Oh, and did we mention the dancing? Because THE DANCING! Not that the Bieb's wasn't totally smooth before, but dude is seriously on his grind in dance rehearsals -- JB's moves were slicker than ever. Also, can I just call out how effortlessly JB twirled that chick at the 1:53 mark? Or that sick synchronized clapping moment that occurred around 2:30? We. Die. Also, #swaggy.

+ Watch Justin Bieber perform "Boyfriend" on "The Voice." 

Photo credit: Getty Images

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