Sam Jackson Recalls Bernie Mac's Porn Star Fantasy

Bernie Mac didn’t mince words. The comedian and actor, who died suddenly this past August due to complications from pneumonia, was profane, hilarious, and, yet, always touching in the way he went straight for the truth.

So it makes perfect sense that his “Soul Men” co-star and long-time friend Samuel L. Jackson would remember him with exactly the same attitude. And what was Jackson’s favorite memory of Mac from their time together on set?

“Actually, the funniest day for me was a day when I didn’t even work. I actually went over there to see [noted pornstar] Vanessa del Rio the day I wasn’t working,” Jackson said of a brief scene in the film where Mac’s character has casual sex with his neighbor, played in a cameo by Del Rio.

“And I looked over and saw him and Bernie was like ‘How’s it going man?’ and he was like ‘panting!’ ‘She’s killing me man. She bounced up and down on me. She’s killing me!

“Dude, this is like the fantasy of every kid that grew up in the ‘60s! In a bedroom with Vanessa del Rio? T----s bouncing in your face? It’s Vanessa del Rio!” Jackson continued, erupting in laughter. “I’m sure half the audience is sitting there going, ‘Who?’ But, for those of us who were in to young porn in the ‘60s, ‘70s, not even in to it, just happened to glance at a movie - she was very large in those days!”

We should all be lucky enough to get a eulogy like this. How will you remember Bernie Mac? Sound off below.

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