Reel Big Fish Bring Ska-Core Sound To You


in the footsteps of the ska-punk combo Goldfinger, come Reel Big Fish, another

band from Orange County, California that doesn't only have hints of ska in its

music, but, well, literally swims in the classic sound of pre-reggae

Jamaica. Reel Big Fish, now signed to Mojo Records, the very same label that

unleashed Goldfinger on the world, is a seven piece ska band with members

ranging from 18 to 23. Together for almost five years, the band saw numerous

horn players come and go before solidifying its current line-up and recording

its debut last year, Everything Sucks. Goldfinger frontman John Feldman

discovered Reel Big Fish and turned Mojo on to the band. "John liked us and

told the label they had to check us out," said Reel Big Fish drummer Andrew

Gonzales "Goldfinger were the only band on the label at the time and I think

they were kind of lonely, so they wanted us to be on it with them.


Big Fish is different than most of the current ska-core types...

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