Rihanna Wears A Meme Of Herself IRL, Continues To Be A Hero


If you spend as much time as we do on Rihanna's Instagram page, you are undoubtedly familiar with Rhenna, the stick figure cartoon version of badgalriri. Whenever Rihanna has a big release, wears a memorable outfit, or, like, just continues to be the best person to exist, she shares a new Rhenna drawing from her fans.

Last night, she took Rhenna out into the real world in the form of a necklace.

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Can you spot her? Need a little help? We gotchu.

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There she is!

The necklace, it turns out, comes from Mr. Flawless, an NYC-based jeweler who he got to hand-deliver Rihanna the necklace—yeah, IN PERSON. "I always wanted to have one of my pieces on Rihanna and when I saw this logo on her Instagram, it just hit me," he told MTV News via email. "It was the perfect thing to create a piece out of."

The pendant, he revealed, "is made of 18-karat white gold, white enamel, and black diamonds." If you want this necklace even more now that you know it's blingy AF, join the club. Oh, but I have some bad news for you/me.

"This was made exclusively for Rihanna and I will not be producing more of these," Mr. Flawless said, breaking our hearts.

Well, Rih, enjoy it—we'll continue staring at it from afar.

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