Daniel Radcliffe Stars In New Music Video, Works Hawaiian Trend

Daniel Radcliffe in Slow Club's new music video.

Photo: Moshi Moshi Records/Vimeo

What is it with the Harry Potter kids and music videos these days? First Emma Watson played opposite her then-boyfriend George Craig in One Night Only's Brooklyn-based clip way back in 2010. Then Rupert Grint hopped on board, rocking out in Ed Sheeran's "Lego House" wearing a Polo Ralph Lauren hoodie- which we may or may not have snagged for ourselves immediately after. Now it's finally Daniel Radcliffe's turn to channel his inner video star as he lip synchs his way through Slow Club's new single. In the vid for "Beginnners," he plays a lonely dude stumbling around after too many cocktails, banging on walls, falling over...but somehow still managing to remember all the words to the U.K. indie folk duo's new track. Impressive! Even more surprising? Daniel's cashing in on one of summer's biggest trends- yep, the Hawaiian shirt.

Not just for tacky tourist shops anymore, the tropical motif has officially gone high fashion, and with a major price tag to match. Stella McCartney first showed printed pants, shirts, and dresses on the runway last season, and everyone from Opening Ceremony to Suno quickly followed suit with their own versions of the fruity punch pattern. But if you don't feel like shelling out for the fad, then check out the immense selection over at ASOS , Topshop, and even Forever 21. They're all fully stocked of these summery tops ready for your shopping pleasure. But before you start filling up your bag with Hawaii Five-O goodies, get inspired by Dan below. Not like you really needed an excuse to watch or anything...

Slow Club - Beginners from Lucy Needs on Vimeo.

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