We HAVE To Say Something About Alanis Morissette Naming Her Baby Ever Imre

(Credit: WireImage/Steve Granitz)

Is the name new mom Alanis Morissette gave her new baby boy, Ever Imre, supposed to be "Ironic"? The former "You Can't Do That On Television" star and her husband Mario "Souleye" Treadway welcomed their bouncing baby boy during Christmas. We're so excited that the famously angsty best-breakup-lyrics scribe has settled down and is starting a family. But what on earth is that name about? Like, both halves of it, but especially the latter.

Our hard-hitting baby-name research tells us that Imre is a name of Hungarian origins and that it's generally used as a boy's name. And that it was NOT in the top 1,000 names in 2010. You should totally turn to for all your pressing baby name questions, clearly. "You Live, You Learn," right, Buzzworthy readers?

Is it because Alanis herself had trouble finding "Alanis" paraphernalia as a child? Is it because Mario resents his nickname? Either way, we think Ever Imre "Oughta Know" that name may be his own little "Jagged Little Pill" to swallow day in and day out on the playground.

What do you think, guys? Are we crazy? Or is this veering a little bit into Bad Celebrity Baby Name Town, where you'll find that Shannyn Sossamon's kid Audio Science is mayor? Tell us your thoughts in the comments.

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