The Definitive Differences Between Isla Fisher And Amy Adams

It can be hard to keep track of all the different rising stars in Hollywood, especially when two actresses with similar looks and bubbly personalities rise to prominence around the same time. Here are some tips on how to tell the difference between Amy Adams and Isla Fisher:

In Enchanted, Amy Adams played the first ever Disney princess that feminists might feel comfortable letting their daughters watch -- a fair animated maiden who gets banished to the real world and learns to stop playing the damsel in distress.

In Confessions of a Shopaholic, Isla Fisher plays the kind of fashion-obsessed ditz feminists fear their daughters will grow up to be if they watch too many Disney fairytales.

While Isla Fisher's career is gaining momentum, she still isn't as well-known as her fiancee, actor Sacha Baron Cohen.

Amy Adams' fiancee, Darren Le Gallo, isn't nearly as famous. In fact, has an IMDB biography that consists of only two sentences: "Met his girlfriend, Amy Adams, in 2001 in an acting class," and "Engaged to Amy Adams."

Some of Amy Adams' earliest screen credits include brief, forgettable guest appearances on TV shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Office. Some of Isla Fisher's earlier screen credits include much bigger roles on Australian TV shows that Americans have never heard of.

Isla Fisher has written and published two novels, Bewitched and Seduced by Fame. Amy Adams has not.

Amy Adams was born to American parents in Italy and raised in Colorado. Isla Fisher was born to Scottish parents in Oman and raised in Australia. Yet when Fisher speaks with an American accent, their voices are eerily similar.

Isla Fisher is a redhead. Amy Adams is a strawberry blonde. There really is a big difference.

I hope this brief tutorial has cleared up any confusion. Tune in next time when we will learn how to tell Gerard Butler and Jeffrey Dean Morgan apart.

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