Two 'Jersey Shore' Fans Confirm: She's Too Young For You, Bro [Video]

It wasn't just Snooki's crying that echoed through the streets of Florence during the "Jersey Shore" cast's trip to Italy: Pauly D and Vinny's iconic phrase #ShesTooYoungForYouBro served as an equally powerful foghorn. The two buds bonded one night (with no particular impetus) by loudly discussing warning signs that a potential smush-buddy could land them in jail. And below, as part of our cast-impersonation collection, two young female fans recreate the infamous scene with deal-breaking declarations of light-up kicks and coloring books! Both, of course, mean she's too young for you, bro.

Vin and PD's commitment to 18+ ladies set important ground rules for all mankind, and these funny fans are just following suit. One has achieved a long-maned blowout that defies all laws of physics, the other sports a "Free Yeezy" shirt that may have been stolen straight from Vinny's closet. The girls' spot-on imitations bring us right back to that memorable moment where the best friends' proclamations had us howling into the morning.

See the female versions of Pauly and Vin in the video below, and keep up with Remote Control for more of our favorite video submissions from fans (you can upload your own here)! Plus, don't forget to watch the second-to-last episode of "Jersey Shore" tonight at 10/9c!

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