Taylor Swift Shares The Stage With Stevie Nicks At The Grammys

After 'Today Was a Fairytale,' Swift is joined by the former Fleetwood Mac singer for 'Rhiannon' and 'You Belong With Me.'

Little over an hour after accepting the Grammy Award for Best Country Album, comparing the win to an impossible dream, [artist id="2389485"]Taylor Swift[/artist] took the stage at the Staples Center to perform a medley of her own tunes, as well as a song from one of her childhood heroes, who joined her onstage.

Ditching her sparkling evening gown for a more casual blouse-and-jeans combo, Swift took center stage with her guitar strapped to her shoulder for "Today Was a Fairytale." Swift then announced, "It's a fairly tale and an honor to share the stage with [artist id="13288"]Stevie Nicks[/artist]."

The former Fleetwood Mac singer then walked onstage. The two stood side by side, singing Fleetwood's "Rhiannon," at times a tad less harmoniously than one would have hoped. Nonetheless, the women made for a compelling twosome, a portrait of two generations separated by years but drawn together by music.

Swift then grabbed her guitar for the third and final part in her medley, jumping into a twangy version of "You Belong With Me." Nicks stood back, tapping her tambourine and nodding in appreciation, every so often stepping up to the mic to share singing duties with the young artist.

At the end, Swift and Nicks embraced. It would have already been a killer night for the 20-year-old singer: Before her Best Country Album win (Fearless), she notched victories for Best Female Country Vocal Performance and Best Country Song ("White Horse"). But there's a lot more still to come, including Swift's battle for Album of the Year against Beyoncé, the Black Eyed Peas, Lady Gaga and Dave Matthews Band.

Stick with MTV News for our coverage of the 2010 Grammy Awards! We'll have reports on your favorite nominees, party photos, behind-the-scenes video and much more from the big show!

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