'Wrath Of The Titans': Five More Hair Styles For Sam Worthington

When the trailer for "Wrath of the Titans" dropped, it seemed like everyone couldn't help but comment on Sam Worthington's hair, of all things. In the ten years that passed between the events of "Clash of the Titans" and "Wrath," Perseus must have been looking for something new in the hair department and decided to just grow it out.

We asked Worthington about the big to-do about his hair, and he didn't quite understand. But he did go on to success some hairstyle he could have for any future "Titans" movies.

We have a few recommendations of our own, so here are some styles that Perseus should consider for the next time around.

Katniss' Braid

With the success of "The Hunger Games" reaching the level of phenomenon, it won't be long before other franchises move to ride Katniss' coattails. If the trend of Worthington sporting longer locks continues, it shouldn't be long before he's wearing the same braid Jennifer Lawrence rocked in "Hunger Games." You can't argue with $152 million-opening weekends.


Worthington's co-star in "Wrath," Toby Kebbell blazed the trail on this one. Kebbell's character Agenor rocks some enormous dreads throughout the movie, so it's conceivable that the trend caught on in the "Titans" version of Greeky mythology. Perseus could simply be the world's first copy cat.

Nicolas Cage from any movie after 2004

When it comes to improbable success in action movies, Nicolas Cage has no equal. Another aspect that Cage is without a peer is ridiculous hairstyles. Ever since "National Treasure," the Academy Award winner has sported every sort of large hair, from the slicked-back mess from "Next" to the salt-and-pepper strings of "Sorcerer's Apprentice." Something about Cage's presence in an action movie has brought audiences to him, so copying that might have something to it.

Robert Pattinson in "Twilight"

What other movie star has linked himself to a hairstyle quite like Robert Pattinson in "Twilight"? The spiky helmet he wore throughout the franchise became an intrinsic part of his character and led hordes of Team Edward members into theater seats. Perhaps Perseus discovers the hair gel of the gods somewhere deep down in the fires of Hades.

Bleach Blond Gosling

Later this year, the Gos will go bleach blond for his next crime drama "The Place Beyond the Pines." Looking ahead to the hot hairstyles of 2012 movies, bleach blond may be the way to go. Think about it. Spy photos from the "Skyfall" set showed Javier Bardem with some lighter locks tucked underneath a police cap. Perhaps blond is the place to be and Perseus will squeeze some ancient lemons on his hair for a fairer look the next time around.

What hairstyles do you want to see on Perseus if there's another "Titans" movie? Let us know in the comments below and on Twitter!

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