Lush Drummer Takes Own Life

Drummer Chris Acland (second from right). Photo by Jay Blakesberg.

Chris Acland, drummer for the ethereal U.K. band Lush,

was found dead at his parents home in Cumbria, England yesterday afternoon.

Acland had hung himself, according to a report in today's online version of the

New Musical Express, and was discovered by his father. A founding member

of Lush, Acland had recently completed a tour of the U.S., but was considering

not touring with the band in Europe. A session drummer was on tap to tour with

the Lush pending Acland's decision, according to the NME. We learned

today that the tour has now been postponed. The group scored a hit in England

earlier this year with the song "Ladykillers," which appeared on their most

recent and fifth album, Lovelife. The group's new single, "Ciao!," which

features Pulp's Jarvis Cocker, was released in England this week. Acland was


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