Brad Pitt, Summit Working On Dracula Movie 'Vlad'

Actor will produce film, which music video director Anthony Mandler is in talks to helm.

Brad Pitt has been in the vampire game before, having starred in 1994's "Interview With the Vampire," and now the star is set to produce the film "Vlad" with "Twilight" studio Summit. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the movie will center on the life of Dracula when he was still the prince known as Vlad the Impaler.

The film has been in development with Summit for quite some time, and the studio is now in talks with music video director and photographer Anthony Mandler to make his debut helming a feature. Most recently Mandler worked with Rihanna on her clips "Wait Your Turn" and the eerie "Russian Roulette."

Pitt will reportedly produce the flick with Dede Gardner and their company Plan B Entertainment. writes that the studio hopes to make "a visually edgy and radical period movie" that, like "Twilight," will help break the careers of new actors. Studio executives at Summit are looking to bring Mandler on board after seeing his work and comparing it to Zack Snyder's "300." No casting news has been announced yet.

Mandler recently shot "New Moon" star Taylor Lautner for Men's Health, telling MTV News how much he enjoyed working with the teen sensation. "We wanted to be really physical. We really wanted to show the physical side of him rather than play him as a kid," he explained, adding that instead he was trying to show Taylor "as more of a man. ... We had a blast."

Mandler later joked that his choice between Team Edward and Team Jacob was easy. He's obviously Team Jacob. "It was great. He's a great guy. I'd work with him anytime," he said. "I'm biased at this point right now. I'm excited to see ["New Moon"] even though it's a little out of my age bracket. I enjoyed the last one."

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