Emma Watson Is Officially One Of The Most Influential People In The World

In the company of Barack Obama and Reese Witherspoon.

The TIME 100 list of top influencers just got a whole lot more magical in 2015: Emma Watson, best known for her decade-spanning role as Hermione Granger in the "Harry Potter" franchise, but spending most of her time as a U.N. Women's ambassador and all-around badass lately, was honored with a spot in the list's "pioneers" section.

In an ode written by former New York Times editor Jill Abramson, Watson is lauded for her #HeForShe campaign, a gender equality movement that has proven widely popular.

Abramson not only applauded Watson's "gutsy, smart" take on feminism, inviting men to support the cause alongside women, because gender equality is not only an issue for women, but also her handling of the ripples her campaign caused.

See, Watson's speeches not only brought a wave of support, but also backlash. Abramson applauded Watson for casting light on the positive results of the campaign.

"Her HeForShe speech at Davos was an Internet sensation, but unsurprisingly, it drew the typical antifeminist rants and even some threats," Abramson wrote. "Watson chose to highlight the moving letters she has received from fathers who tell her they are investing new hope in the future for their daughters. But she was also frank about the bullying tactics of her detractors and one site that made an empty threat to release nude photos. Her confident and cool reaction: 'If they were trying to put me off, they did the opposite.'"

Watson finds herself in the distinguished company of Reese Witherspoon (with a witty ode from Mindy Kaling), Chris Pratt, Amy Schumer, Kanye West, President Barack Obama and more. Not a terrible party to be invited to.

Check out the full TIME 100 list for 2015.

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