'Twilight' Studio And Brad Pitt Help Unearth Dracula For New Vampire Flick 'Vlad'

It's no secret that vampire fever has taken over Hollywood lately (thanks a lot "Twilight"), so it comes as no surprise that Brad Pitt, one of the early actors to dawn a pair of fangs for his role in "Interview With the Vampire," is jumping right back into the genre.

Brad is joining forces with Summit Entertainment (the studio behind "Twilight") to produce "Vlad," a movie focusing on the back-story of the infamous Count Dracula, according to The Hollywood Reporter. For those of you more familiar with Bella Swan and Edward Cullen than the Count, you might want to check out Bram Stoker's classic novel, "Dracula," the inspiration behind the movie and countless others we're sure.

While the story has been adapted into film plenty of times over the years, "Vlad" promises to delve into the life of Dracula back when he was still just a 15th-century prince known as Vlad the Impaler. After all, who wouldn't want to get to know the man behind the Drac?

Summit is now in talks with music video director and photographer Anthony Mandler to make his directorial debut by helming the feature. Fun 'Twilight' fact: Anthony photographed Taylor Lautner for his recent Men's Health cover and told Hollywood Crush what an incredible guy the teen star was to work with.

Of course, Brad's involvement in the movie begs the question … will the actor take the starring role? Doesn't look like it. Summit Entertainment reportedly wants to "break a new talent." While we were sad to hear we wouldn't get to enjoy Brad as a vampire one more time, we're kind of excited for this "new talent." Could another Edward be in the making? One can only hope!

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