5SOS Just Did Something Super Mature And Adult And Stuff

The foursome announced the launch of Hi Or Hey Records.

There comes a time in every boy's life when he must grow up and become a man. And by that, I mean found a record label. That's how puberty works. Look it up.

For the guys of 5 Seconds Of Summer, that time is now.

On Monday (Mar. 23), Luke, Calum, Mikey, and Ash announced the launch of Hi Or Hey Records, their very own record label under Capitol Records.

According to a HOH's site, the move will allow the Aussie natives to explore other areas of the music industry besides recording and performing: "We will be releasing all of our music through 'Hi Or Hey Records' in partnership with Capitol Records. We will also be signing our own bands and releasing them via the label."

It also sounds like control was a motivating factor in the decision, as well: "'Hi Or Hey Records' means we can stay in control of our career. Things have gone pretty well with you and us running the show so we want to keep it that way…"

That ellipsis at the end -- do I detect a subtweet?

Intrigue aside, this sounds like a cool development for 5SOS. They grow up so fast. (ಥ﹏ಥ)

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