Why Nev Says This 'Catfish' Case Was '50 Shades of 'Cray''

Blind fold included

In the words of Nev, “This is 50 shades of cray.”

A 29-year-old single dad from Philadelphia summoned Mr. Schulman and Max for assistance on this week’s Catfish, and while he needed help tracking down his ladylove Jasmine, he’d actually already met her and they’d even kissed. But, um, he still didn’t know what she looks like.

“I parked in front of her apartment, and I could just see a shadow behind the shades, Nick said of his first visit to Jasmine’s house. But because his galpal apparently suffers from extreme anxiety, she refused to let him come upstairs and instead the two just talked on the phone.

But then, during his second visit…

“We talked a little bit through the door,” Nick recalled. “I could hear her voice, and then she brought out a blindfold. She turned me around and put it on me… and we kissed on the lips.”

And that was pretty much it.

Nev’s take on the situation: “This is some weird sh*t” -- along with the aforementioned (and totally awesome) 50 Shades of Grey quip.


But as weird as the sh*t seemed, Nick had reason to believe Jasmine was real: She’d sent him countless Snapchat pics, and they were all live, not from her camera roll. Everything matched up too: If Jasmine said she was in Disney Land, she sent snaps from the Happiest Place on Earth. Sounds like the real deal, right? Not quite.

Nev and Max soon discovered that Jasmine was using the photos of a woman named Jasselene -- and had even used those pics to mess with MTV star Jay G from Real World: Ex-Plosion and The Challenge (’memba him?). And later, when the dynamic duo (plus Nick) finally tracked down “Jasmine,” she admitted that having two phones helped her pull off her ruse -- she’d look at Jasselene’s Instagram photos on one device, take photos of them with the other, and then send them to Nick. Oh, and her name was Nicole.

“I don’t want you to think I’m some kind of malicious person, because I’m not,” she told Nick. “[But] let’s just be real: You wouldn’t look at me the same way as you looked at [Jasselene].”

She then explained how the deception started. “My dad died,” she said through tears. “My whole world crumbled. I literally ate my feelings, [and] I just packed on the pounds. Then I thought, ‘Maybe I just want to talk to somebody.’ I made the profile, and talking to [Nick] was completely different than talking to any other person.”

Then she offered a sincere apology.


For his part, Nick accepted Nicole’s mea culpa and said he’d be down to stay friends. And he kept his word: Today, the two still speak from time to time, with Nick saying he fully supports Nicole’s journey to “better herself” and Nicole working hard to rebuild their friendship.

But what do you think: Could you forgive Nicole for her misdeeds? And have you ever been duped on Snapcat? Tell us your tales and stay with MTV News for more Catfish updates.

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