Channing Tatum Cooks Up Magic Meals in New Orleans Restaurant

His dudeness, Channing Tatum, is all about taking vows to step up his career to make a magic jump to the next level, but lately his media presence has been going haywire. (Pun enough for ya?)

The hunky "10 Years" thespian took it all off this summer, but now he's taken to wearing many hats, including possibly director of "Magic Mike 2" and now restauranteur as FilmDrunk fills us in on Tatum's plan to open a chow hall in New Orleans.

This classy Big Easy dining establishment is called Channing Tatum's Saints and Sinners, with the tagline "Where the red light is always on." The menu isn't announced yet, although FilmDrunk posits some potential "Appetizzles" including "Tatum Skins."

Tatum took to Twitter to tantalize today's tastemakers: "Opening the doors on Saints and Sinners soon! Make sure you're following @SandSNOLA on Twitter and on FB for updates."

They've just begun hiring bartenders, waitstaff, hosting and security for their first (of presumably many) location at 627 Bourbon Street, so if you're a French Quarter denizen with a hot bod, we recommend paying Tatum's new digs a visit.

If this doesn't somehow lead to a line of "Magic Mike-rowave Meals," we've lost all faith in humanity.

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