Will 'Young And Pregnant''s Brianna Have To Choose Between Her Boyfriend And Her Mother?

Danae thinks it's time for his 'Teen Mom' partner to cut the apron strings

Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant duo Brianna and Danae have more than just trust issues to work through. The parents-to-be -- who each dated other people during their relationship hiatus -- have been arguing more and more about Brianna’s super-close relationship with her mother.

This week’s episode chronicled the couple’s trip to Chicago to visit Danae’s family. And while all went well for the most part, Brianna struggled with one thing -- being away from her mom Jessica for an extended period of time.

“It’s been three days without your mom,” Danae said when he caught Brianna and his own mother Robin discussing the situation. “You need your mom this bad, Brianna? I swear to god… I want you to remember this.”


The real issue, though? Jessica has made it clear she thinks Danae, who’s been spending a lot of time at their house throughout the pregnancy, is disrespectful. Brianna then faced the harsh reality that she may eventually need to pick between her own flesh and blood and her boyfriend.

“It’s becoming a choice,” she cried. “It’s either my mom or it’s you. I can’t sit here and [not] have a conversation with my mom because it might piss you off.”


Robin then summed it all up best: “Brianna, we’ve got a whole lot of work to do before this baby gets here. A whole lot.”

Do you think Bri and Danae can move past their issues with Jess? Or will Brianna have to choose and if so, whose side will she take? Sound off in the comments, then tune in to Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant on Mondays at 10/9c.

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