Andrew Garfield Stars In A Bonkers Action-Movie Trailer Made By Kids

Co-starring Idina Menzel and a robot monster pig

Forget The Amazing Spider-Man and Hacksaw RidgeAndrew Garfield has just signed on for his most action-packed blockbuster to date. That’d be Teenage Wars, a movie conceived, written, and directed entirely by kids.

The actor took part in a hilarious new sketch on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert in which Colbert tasked eight tots with creating the movie of their dreams. Their wildly imaginative brains came up with an action/romance flick that stars Garfield and Idina Menzel as high school students who are both named Bob. They fall in love with each other, but not before attempting to avenge the death of boy Bob’s father, who was murdered by a German spy living in Idaho. There’s blood, there’s revenge, and there are even robot monster pigs... Really, what more could you ask for?

Check out the adorable video below. The Teenage Wars trailer — starring Garfield, Menzel, John Oliver, John Malkovich, and Priyanka Chopra — begins at the 9:16 mark.

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