Cara Delevingne Created A Sculpture Out Of Kendall Jenner’s Hair Trimmings

Model, actress, post-modern artistic genius

Both Kendall Jenner and Cara Delevingne have recently turned in their long locks for lobs, and now Cara is turning Kendall's hair trimmings into art. The circle of life, y'all.

Kendall Jenner Snapchat

Kendall Jenner

On Snapchat, Kendall shared a photo of a tiny figure made out of hair — based on the color, it seems like her hair — with credit given to "Cara." Given that the two are friends and that Cara Delevingne recently got into the hairstyling game — she shaved a girl's head on TV last week, remember? — it seems like a safe assumption that she is the artist behind this piece.

Also, uh, does this mean Kendall got another haircut? Can we see it now, please?

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