The 'Game of Crones' Podcast, Episode 2: Let's Talk About Snow, (Dead) Baby

Jon Snow's still alive. A bunch of others are now dead. And our 'Game of Thrones' panel is here to discuss it all

This week on "Game of Crones," MTV staff writers Rachel Handler, Crystal Bell, and Teo Bugbee are talking about dead people, both permanent and not. Jon Snow is alive, but is he going to be all weird now? Roose Bolton is dead, because he raised a full psychopath who stabbed him. Balon Greyjoy is dead because he walked across a wet, decaying bridge in the middle of the apocalypse. Walda Bolton and her baby are literal dog food, merely for having the gall to be a woman and a baby. Who deserved to die the most? Who is this week's BAE? Why is the High Sparrow still a thing? Tune in for the answers to all of these questions, plus at least one concerned conversation about Walda's afterbirth.

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