Blake Lively Got The Most Magical 'Harry Potter' Manicure

The Deathly Hallows never looked so good

Blake Lively solemnly swears she's up to no good with her manicure. Yes, really! Turns out the Gossip Girl star is a big fan of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.

On Tuesday, April 5, Lively showed off her obsession with a Deathly Hallows-themed minimalist manicure. It's a subtle yet eye-catching way to commemorate the Wizarding World, don't you think?

To make things even more magical, Lively captioned the photo, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." 🙌

Hopefully this means Lively and hubbie Ryan Reynolds's one-year-old daughter, James, will grow up to be a Rowling fan who's forever waiting for her Hogwarts acceptance letter. Can you imagine the world's most attractive couple reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone to James at bedtime? It's too adorable.

H/T Elite Daily

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