Infographic: Celebrity Kickstarter Campaigns

Sylvester Stallone recently made headlines for becoming the latest in a seemingly endless parade of rich movie stars coming to the Internet hat in hand to get some of that sweet sweet Kickstarter cash. The crowdfunding site has been a magnet for celebs looking to fund oddball projects the studios are gunshy on (a la David Fincher's animated comic book adaptation "The Goon") or to obtain greater creative control through fan-supported cashflow, like Zach Braff's controversial Kickstarter campaign.

By essentially busking to their many followers, these celebs have given life to personal projects that may never have seen the light of day otherwise, but is it worth it? Stallone's indie movie "Reach Me" became a red flag when the star pulled the project from Kickstarter two days before its deadline, despite already reaching its funding goal. Sly turned to a rival site, Indiegogo, after his film found a more traditional financier.

That begs the question of whether this is all just a big scam, so decide for yourself with our graphic detailing all the major Hollywood filmmaker crowdfunding transactions to date, with everyone from Belle and Sebastian frontman Stuart Murdoch to talkshow queen Ricki Lake throwing their beggar's hat into the ring.

Click on the image below for a bigger score.

Celebrity Kickstarter

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