'Spring Breakers' NSFW Outtakes: Look at James Franco's S**t

James Franco, or rather his cracked-out, corn-rowed, grillz-sportin' "Spring Breakers" character Alien, has some dope s**t...and he don't give a f**k wants you to know it.

Whether you loved, hated or thought it was bananas — c'mon, Britney Spears music and mountains of weed in the same flick? — "Spring Breakers" divided the nation when it debuted in March. Now the film, directed by Harmony Korine and starring Selena Gomez, Ashley Benson, Vanessa Hudgens and Rachel Korine, is stirring up controversy again (come and get it!) with the DVD, which hits stores tomorrow, July 9.

The DVD comes chock-full of outtakes; however, two particular bits were a bit too wacky to make the final cut. Luckily, the MTV Movies Blog got its paws on them, in all their debauched glory.

Check out these too-Alien-for-home-viewing scenes, where our four gals be trippin' while stuck in jail (complete with cat growls, Indian chants and ghost role play—you know, the usual antics one does while imprisoned.) and Alien...ahem, enthusiastically, shows off his giant gaggle of weapons.

You can take home "Spring Breakers" forevvvvvvver (pun always intended) when it comes out on DVD July 9. The movie is also streaming on many sites.


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